Yesterday we moved again. We are in Searsport, ME just 5 mi from Belfast, which is one of the larger cities on the coast. Our site has ocean views and there is a small beach and a seaside "Boardwalk" of sorts with benches and chairs from which to enjoy the awesome vista. Downside is no cable or sewer. You have to pay to get your tank pumped. The rent is rather high but then one pays for ocean views wherever you are.
On the way here, we stopped at Camden Hills State Park as I had heard of its views. As you can tell from the photo, it is wonderful and this is only the town of Camden. To th left is a panorama of the Blue Hill Peninsula, many many islands and even the mountains of Acadia National Park in the distance. Do not kno
w why my photographer did not capture the other half...shall have to speak to him about this matter.
Yesterday afternoon we visited the Penobscot Marine Museum in Searsport. It encompasses 7 or 8 buildings right off the main street. Three old ships captains houses and some barns. They have an amazing collection of seafaring memorabilia and geneology of the area's sea faring families. In another life Gene was a sailor with a boat moored in Panama City, and an airplane to get himself there. He also sailed competively and so he really enjoys looking at the different sloops, ketches, schooners and so forth. The barns contain a wide array of the different types of boats used along the coast and one of the houses has a large art collection as well as memorabilia brought back from voyages. Also lots of pictures of life on the sea and shore. There were also many ships models on display. There was a docent in each building, admission is only $8. I think it is run by their historical society which is a wonder considering that the population of this town is just 3500.
We went to Belfast for dinner on a deck overlooking the bay. Good dinner and very nice server, a young man studying special ed, who had a great personality and was very attentive. We walked around the seaside a bit before returning home to a festive atmosphere as most of the campers in our area were outside enjoying a cool evening and campfires. And there are always the decorative "patio" light strings. We could see a light house blinking on an island across the water.
We have now been on the road for two weeks and seem to have settled in. We are astonished at how much food will fit into our little fridge, meal prep seems to be a snap and we seem to have a routine and system for every task. I think I sleep better here than at home. One wonderful additon was a large cutting board we bought to cover half of our double sink. It doubles our counter space and also functions as a printer stand when needed. One casualty is our fan which got left outside during a rain. Although it was under the awning, it seems to have expired.
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