The traffic is a bit slower than yesterday but fairly steady. Both yesterday and today
Sheryl's cousin, Allen Boddie, is a visitor and joins the Foundation even with no prospect of a heritage flight. Allen is an aviation buff and wants to join us on some of our adventures in the future. Sheryl and Allen have not seen each other in 30 years.
The hot weather soon gave way to breezy overcast and we began watching rain storms over the mountains to see if they were coming our way. The target time for close down was 4 PM and, as if on cue, the crowd went away about 3:30 and we begin to stow our gear. Just as we were finishing, it began to blow and then sprinkle rain. We took this as an omen that we had done enough.
However, even on this slow and short day we took in over $400. Not bad.
Larry and Allen had both told us where to find good restaurants in the area and tonight we went to a brewpub between the airport and our hotel for an early repast. The food was quite enjoyable and we would be happy to eat there again, but we also spotted a couple of other places to try. We were happily back at the hotel by six and looking forward to three days off before we head to Denver on Thursday and then Powell, WY that same afternoon. Tomorrow it is time to wash clothes and run errands among other things.
It was a good three days, but we are ready for a respite.
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