We are staying at a Hampton Inn which knows how to do it right. Every time you encounter an employee, they greet you and ask if your stay is enjoyable. They introduce themselves and say do not hesitate to ask if you need anything. We are impressed. They change the breakfast menu also. We had omelets the first morning. Today it was southwest style steak and eggs with tortillas. They were very tasty.
Back to the airport and we do a more complete set up with merchandise since today was advertised in the local paper. We have a light but steady crowd all day and sell more things that I dreamed. The people are intelligent and fun to talk with. They are very interested in the plane which always makes us happy. They have cute and well behaved children. This is a good gig.
Again the weather is perfect. It is windier than the day before and I think cooler. Jane and I have to get out from under the wing from time to time to warm in the sun. Gosh, that is a unique feeling!
Jack Greiner, the 90 year old, had flown this plane for American in 1943 and 1944 confirmed that Eleanor Roosevelt was a frequent passenger when she was first lady and always sat on the last seat on the right. Jack said he would come back to chat with her.
Another good day for memberships and we end up with eleven happy souls flying with us. One group is the Moen clan, a ranching family who show up in boots and spurs straigh
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