The forecast was for 64 and 30% chance of rain. It was in the 40's and never got over 55 and it is still raining now. It was not so bad at first. It was dry and our local volunteers showed up with still warm cinnamon coffee cake and double chocolate muffins (oh, yeah, and fruit, but who is interested in fruit with all that other good stuff) We set up shop under the wing cause we knew it would rain at some point. Rule
of thumb is females run the shop, males do tours, tell about the plane, all planes and tell war stories. (Gene ran into a guy who knows his sister and brother in law. How did they figure that out?)Problem is, shop is outside, tours and other male duties are a lot of the time inside the airplane. None of us seem to have warm enough clothes. I was wearing two shirts and two jackets and still freezing. Mostly, hands, feet and face. Perhaps there is no such thing as warm enough, standing under the wing of an airplane in the rain and a pretty good wind.

We were surprised at how many people came. Hard to estimate but a steady trickle from 10AM until 4:30 PM and most were so very interested. We sold tee shirts, hats and accepted donations. I think we took in almost $400. We are still hoping to get enough people together to sell some rides. Reporters from two TV stations and one newspaper came by and we are hopeful this will bring folks out on a Monday. The Fox reporter is from a flying family and he stayed over an hour and shot lots and lots of film. Sometimes we took a short break either in the plane or in the terminal. But the Democrats were trying to pass the health bill and I could not stay inside and watch that for very long. Cold and wind were preferable.
When the day was over, our host had us meet he and his wife, and another couple who had been with us all day at a micro brewery downtown. For the first time since I left home on Friday, I had a meal. It was excellent. And supposedly the beer was good, too.
Tomorrow it is to be cooler, but not raining. Our host will bring jackets from home. I think what I really need it a hat and gloves. I feel guilty talking about all this cold in front of my Cost
a Rican readers who cannot fathom the concept. Ah, the gypsy life!! Are we having fun yet?

Yes, when the 30 something tells us about Grandpa flying a DC3 and now he is seeing one for the first time, Yes, when the 84 year old WWII vet goes home and brings his war pics back to share with us, Yes, when young aviators go through the plane two and three times with stars in their eyes. And, yes, watching the love of my life so excited, telling the stories again and again all day without pause and each time with the same enthusiasm as the first time.
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