Today started out bad weatherwise and got worse. I set up my store outside the door of the plane at 10AM. It was cloudy, in the 40's and a stiff breeze. The tee shirts were taking flight off the table. Today I am wearing two shirts and three jackets. My new best friend, Anita, has sent me a heavy hooded fleece jacket to wear and it is a lifesaver, protecting my neck from the wind. The guys are all inside the plane, out of the wind. There was a picture on page 2 of the Greenville Times and a near 2 minute segment on the local Fox affiliate. Again, we have a steady influx of people all day who saw us in the news. Charlie made us a donation jar instead of charging for tours and it seems to work better. Some people give $1 or nothing, but others give up to $20. Flagship member, Bill Bronson, is here today from Hilton Head and kindly offers to mind the store while I go to the terminal to warm up. Inside one of the employees hunts in the storeroom for an envelope of hot chocolate to warm my innards.....boy, that was good! On my way back to the plane, I run into John. He says he came to get me as we are moving the goods inside the plane because of the cold and wind.
Now this plane is what they call a tail dragger. The front end sits high and the back end is low, see photos in earlier post. That means the floor slants. That means everything wants to slide toward the back. So we do our best to stow things and still halfway display tee shirts and hats in a rear seat, brochures in the opposite seat and three of us are crammed into the rear galley area along with two folding of which is holding our "tip jar." And we are standing in a permanent "lean." Today we have several more WWII vets, some of whom flew this plane when they joined up...their first plane ride. We met Annabelle, who flew for United in 1953 and who still had that flare and get up and go of an airline stewardess. And many, many more. Gene and I agree that in our limited experience this group love our plane more than any other groups we have worked. Gene was in the cockpit all day 10-5 except for one 30 min break telling folks about the airplane. I could tell he was doing a good job, as the folks came back to the back and told me what they had learned.
It just seemed to get colder and windier all day and about mid afternoon we had a shower of snow pellets for a time. Many of our customers were underdressed for this weather but they did not complain and were so grateful for us bringing the Flagship to them. Many came, then went home and came back bringing friends or relatives. Today, we all are pushing hard to sell memberships to the Foundation. An annual membership is $150 and with that you get to fly on the plane free. By the end of the day, we have 28 possibles which means we may do two flights because the capacity is 21.
After we close up, Charlie and his friend, Randy Mayfield again lead us downtown to a great meal. Me an
d 6 pilots. One thing about pilots is they are all instantly friends with any other pilot they meet up with, so here we all with all our buddies. They take me in too. Three of these guys are retired from American Airlines and ex-military too, so they are comparing careers and playing, "who do you know?" Surprisingly, Gene is playing the same game with Bill who was based in Boston where Gene was based with Digital Equipment. And Bill is good at telling real funny but true pilot stories from his career. They speak another language, but it is a language they all know. And there is just something about these types who have the boldness to loose the bonds of earth and take flight...they inspire admiration in me and I am fortunate tonight to be "one of the guys!"

With dinner over, 5 of us meet in our hotel room, divide the list and start calling to confirm flights for tomorrow and give final instructions. Now at 9:30, we have 19 confirmed and 5 we left messages for. A good number. We all go over our game plan and roles for tomorrow and part for the night. John and I will handle registration and money collection.
Tomorrow morning will be my last mission on this trip. After the flight(s), on which Gene will be co-pilot, we will rent a car and return home. On Wednesday, Gene will drive back over and re-join the group. Thursday they return to Myrtle Beach to bring the golfers back to Nashville, then return to Shelbyville. Gene and I have left a car there for him to drive home.
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