Abundance means having an ample supply of something or more than you need. This year we have had an abundance of rain. Some folks, like my son and son-in-law whose livelihood in the construction business depends on having dirt dry enough to move around and stay where you put it, might say we have had an over abundance. It has not been many years since we had drought here. Everything was so sad looking. The greens in the landscape were dusty looking and muted. Things drooped and some things died. Our beloved Red Maple just shriveled up and lost all its leaves one week when we were away. It came back the next spring but about a third of it had died. No amount of pruning and pampering could bring it back to anything resembling a healthy tree.
We finally took it down this year, partially to put it out of its misery and partially because it was in the path of a leaning hickory that was threatening the house.
The dividend of the abundance of rain is the happy plants and trees. We have had blooms more abundant that we ever remember and even see things we do not remember. Our lenten roses are spreading all over the yard it seems. A wild yellow rose has grown about 12 feet high and it covered in happy flowers.
Another beneficiary of the rain is the vegetable garden. We said we were giving up because we do not have enough sun for vegetables, but I just had to try. So I have resorted to container gardens on the driveway in front of the garage door. So far it is going well. I have tomatoes, peppers, beans, peas, dill, cilantro, basil, parsley and onions. As of today, the peas have blossoms.
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