So Sunday morning we hooked up and off we went. How delightful to sail through Atlanta with light traffic and no delays. We waited until we got out of the urban sprawl and then stopped for breakfast at an IHOP. It was almost noon and so we avoided the crowds there also. We got off I-75 at the second Resaca exit and got on 136 for a twisty turny journey through pleasant countryside, finally climbing up to the top of Lookout Mountain, which is where the park is. Lookout Mountain must be a very large mountain indeed to go from Chattanooga to here and beyond.
This morning we took our time getting up and out. Enjoyed a leisurely breakfast with our marvelous Benton's bacon cooked on the George Foreman grill as Gene observed Peggy doing in Fort Worth last month. It works great, no splatter, cut it in half and three pieces will fit at one time.
I had read there was a two mile hike to two waterfalls and that was my goal when we came here. Then we got the trail map and found out that it was one mile straight down and one mile back up. Over 1200 steps...oh, no way, I don't think so. Bah humbug, hiss, Boo!! The other trail descriptions were for the most part "strenuous."
Not to be deterred, we headed out to an access point near us to the Rim Trail and found one overlook before you even got to the trail. The trail was mostly level with a lot of large rocks and roots but not too bad and we came to a major lookout in less than half a mile, with a couple of lesser ones along the way. This trail overlooked the town of Trenton to the west. Did anyone even know there is a Trenton in Georgia? Although it was almost noon, it was still cool and breezy. The views here rival any that I have seen anywhere and so very close to home.
We returned to the campsite mid afternoon and Gene caught up on his napping, which ended with another rain. Now we are working on trying to cook a hunk of beef between this rain and the next one that we see on the radar. We have not used the AC all day.
Were awakened at some point deep in the night by a strange baying. Had to be coyote but he uttered only one note each time and was quite close so there would be no sleep while he continued. So I shined flashlight out my zip up window and he left only to begin again down the road. This time a pack of dogs answered him and he added a woo-woo to the end of his sound as he answered their barks. Finally, he moved on and we got some more sleep
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