Saturday morning dawned sunny, windy and COLD!! We arrived at the airport a little after 9AM and again were greeted by the enthusiastic employees of Top Gun Aviation. The plane was oiled and fueled and toured and photographed. Dennis sold about $70 in merchandise to various people. We handed out literature and luggage tags.
We braved the cold to pose for photos in our Top Gun tee shirts. We were not in a hurry as we found out that we cannot land in Laredo until after 4 PM due to air show practice. We finally take off about noon and head across Texas. We paused at Galveston for some practice take offs and landings. Jim Skelly did some excellent ones for a first timer, h

We disembarked for a few minutes to use the facilities and scarf down junk food from the machines and then were on our way.
This last leg seemed very cold, especially as the sun, which had been warming the left side, went behind clouds. It seemed like a very long trip by the t

Zane told us of a bit of miscommunication. Seems Jake had texted him tha

The service here is unbelievable. They even bring out wrought iron stands to hold Peggy and Sheryl's purses. The chip and dip routine is different with about five things to dip in, we indulged way too much before the real food came. A nice evening and good to be warm.
Then it was off to ou

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