Friday morning we were surprised to find that it had rained overnight and was cool and breezy. A high of 69 was predicted and we were expecting 80's. The men were up and out early for breakfast and a 10 AM briefing. After that, they were going to have the plane fueled and do a practice fly by, then move it to the flight line in position for tomorrow's Air Fest. From bits and pieces we have heard, this is going to be a humdinger of a show and we are looking forward to it. The Thunderbirds are here for one and a lot of other high flyers.
Peggy and I went for a walk along the bay front, just two blocks from our quarters. We walked by a number of very large nice homes facing the water, obviously home to the higher ranking officers. Gosh, military life can have its perks! But there were also smaller bungalows with the same view. The base is very well kept and neat as a pin. We also enjoyed watching a pelican catch fish after fish while a seagull chased him squawking for him to share, which of course, he did not.
We then found the mess hall and had a nice lunch, which cost $5.44. Thank you, Uncle Sam. Peggy and I then got in her car and went to St. Pete to a shopping area and whiled away the remainder of the afternoon.
This night we are guests of the Base Commander at a party at a place called Sea Scapes, a beach club on base. They had a band and appetizers and inexpensive drinks followed by a buffet dinner of heavy hors D'oeurves. They put on a mini air show over the bay and after dark a little fireworks show with the fireworks being shot from a helicopter and and airplane out over the water.
The young men and women of the Thunderbirds were there and we enjoyed talking with them. The thing we noticed first was what small people they were. Both in height and girth. I swear their waists were about 22 inches! They were wearing their form fitting flight suits embroidered with their names, ranks, and what position they held. The job is so stressful that the pilots only serve for two years.
Since all of us in attendance have to be up and out early, the party does not last long.
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