In forty years, I have never been in Tampa when it was so cold. We were absolutely freezing when we got to the airport at 8 AM (after meeting in the dark for breakfast at 6:30) and the wind blowing a gale. The Air Force had prepared a tent for us with chairs and a table and we set up our operation. However, we found that because we were going to fly in the show, we were in a fenced off area, along with two other planes, and the public would not be allowed out to the plane until after our flight. That was really an advantage as it protected us somewhat from the onslaught of this well attended show. We still had long lines both days except when the Thunderbirds were performing. Behind us was a small building where the fueling people stayed (see photo) and we were happy to find there were bathrooms there and we were allowed to use them. This was great, as we were a long, long way from any other facilities.
After the flight we moved our retail operation over next to the plane as the tent was some distance away. It was a good day but the wind was constant and wearing. Zane worked the line all day telling people the history of the plane. This sped the process up as they would not stay inside as long being educated. A good tactic. The air show people came by frequently with water and ice and our aides, James and Ryan checked on us throughout the day. We w

ere well taken care of here. Gene said the briefings were very professionally handled down to the synchronization of watches. He had to laugh as he does not even own a watch, but the Flagship was right on its mark on time for each show.
Sheryl and Peggy left for the hotel while the men stayed for refueling. As they drove across the ramp, Peggy noticed a wall of soldiers on our right marching towards us. They were between us and where we wanted to go. We stopped and asked a soldier what to do. They said they were performing a FODS (Foreign Object Disposal Sweep) to get the civilians out and that we should just drive straight for them, they would move. Well this was an intimidating thing to do, but we obeyed orders and sure enough, the camo sea parted and we went through.
Saturday night Jim led us to a place called Shells for a nice seafood dinner. Zane and Tony told us about their careers as Liaison Officers for the Air Force Academy, in which they pre-screen local applicants. We got more rest that night due to the time change and the realization that we really didn't need to be there so early. However, arriving at 9 meant threading our way in cars between people and booths to make our way to the plane. The day was ten degrees warmer than the previous one but the wind was still a huge factor. Peggy and I stayed in the car until after the flight.
As our plane was flying we spotted large flocks of birds near it, a scary sight. Gene later said they had to deviate from their flight path to miss them. The tower told them there were about 400 in the area. The air show was suspended for awhile until they were out of the area.
We set up our tent because of the heat and tied it down to various things, but around three the wind got so brutal that we took it down and packed up some of our gear. Just as well, as after the Thunderbirds finished at four, they went ahead and closed the show down. Several young lieutenants from NOAA, as well as James came by the plane and visited for about an hour. Then James took us to see his plane, a huge C135 tanker. Gene got down on one of the couches they lay on to monitor and guide the fueling probe.
Jim had taken Zane to the airport mid afternoon, and Dan left with friends after the show, so there were just five of us left for dinner at Bonefish. On Monday, Peggy and Jake will drive to Jupiter and Tony, Gene and Sheryl will fly the plane to Stuart for next weekend's show.
Back to civilian life after a pleasant weekend on a beautiful Air Force base.