All week the weatherman had promised sunny and 63 only to change his mind at the last minute to 59, rain and wind. When we met in the lobby, the men gave Peggy and I the option of not going. Their thought was that nobody would come and we could stay dry. But, we were already dressed and decided to tough it out. We were allowed to drive the van out to the plane which helped comfort wise. No one had really warm clothes. I had three layers under a windbreaker rain jacket. Peggy is in her stewardess outfit which is lightweight wool, but her legs are exposed. The men have sweatshirts over tee shirts.
Peggy stayed up in the middle of the plane where it was more protected from the wind and I stood at the door and handled the crowd. And there was one. I could not believe that people stood in the wind and rain and cold all day (11-4) to see the plane. They were a good and interested crowd with well behaved and interested children. What I had not previously known is that the plane leaks. I had to keep changing position to avoid drips on my head. I kept thinking I was freezing until I would stick my head out and realize how much warmer it was inside.
We mostly stayed at our posts all day, Jake brought food from the vendors and we ate it where we stood. There was free food for us somewhere but it was too far to walk in the weather. When we finally closed down at four the men told us that everyone else had folded their tents and left a few hours prior. No one could feel their feet when the day was over and we all went to the hotel and stood in tubs of hot water to revive them.
That evening the group went to an excellent Italian restaurant and had a celebratory end of the trip meal. On Sunday morning early, Peggy flew out of Dulles back to Florida. The rest of us boarded the Flagship bundled up again as there was still cloud cover which meant we had to fly high where it is cold. And cold it did get!! We soon learned that if we sat on the east side of the plane, the sun helped warm us. As we got further south, the clouds went away and it was a tad warmer. We arrived in Shelbyville, TN around four PM, where the weather was perfect. Gene was to take Jake and Zane for a training session. I went to my car, removed shoes and socks and put my bare feet on the hot dash to try to thaw them out. Around 6PM George took Jake and Zane to Nashville to catch planes and Gene and I headed for home, arriving after 10. Ready to be home for awhile now.
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