Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Wind up

As we were leaving Shelbyville for home, Gene mentioned that it was Friday and we could just as well take I-59 into Birmingham for the weekend as go to Atlanta. After a quick call to see if it would be ok with the kids, that is what we did, staying at Oak Mountain State Park. Liz said she knew it was not about her and her brother, I just wanted to meet Lucy, the new dog. Well, she is a dear. Smaller than she looks in photos, sweet, calm and lovable. She will be draped over your lap in no time. Once she nosed my wallet onto the floor to make room for her head. She is a rescue about a year old.
This stop made the trip a solid three weeks. We arrived home Sunday about 3 PM. Gene wanted to park the camper in the drive so we hopped right out and started trimming the oak tree. The humidity and heat hit us full on.
This is our second full day home, and we are pretty much back to normal. Most of the chores done or started. Trying to get parts to repair the camper.
While we did not like the crowded campgrounds, we did like the people we met due to the closeness. We have now joined Big Sams Roadside Assistance program which is like AAA for campers and covers your cars also. They would have towed the camper after that blown tire. I did not expect to see the many casinos in Michigan and Wisconsin.
Now that Gene has pulled the camper those many miles, he has gotten over his reluctance and is ready to do it again. Me?  Hmmm, I am still mulling it over.

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