My trip to the 2007 Iron Bowl in Auburn was awesome! There were five of us in Liz and Cory's snug one bedroom condo just across the street from the stadium. Besides me, Cory's sister Erin was there and Cory's college roommate, Hunter. Lisa and Jason Valentine from Mobile were with us most of the time too. All of them were fun and interesting and it was great to get to know them better. The condo opens onto a patio they call the Veranda where a party is held the night before each home game. They had a tent to help break the wind and some portable heaters but luckily we you could pop in every so often to warm up a bit as it was very cold and windy. They had a great spread including a chocolate fountain that would not flow due to the cold. Many of their friends joined us here and we ended up inside with about ten of us.

A group of the residents also have a tailgate place just across the street called the Magnolia Tent Village or MTV and they have officers. The mayor was a hoot, all decked out(see left) and the Verandah Queen was wearing her tiara.
I got up early and went to visit the MTV which was going strong at 8:30 AM., then on to the quad to see old Dorm 4. When I got back Cory was fixing shrimp and grits with shrimp and sausage left from the night before. YUM!
After that 6 of us walked to town to visit Anders, J& M and other places in search of "neat stuff," singing War Eagle along the way and joining in several cheers. There were tailgaters

and crowds everywhere. Upon our return, Lisa served Cajun Chicken Pasta, which I must get the receipe for. Later we all, including the dog, went to Tiger Walk (right) which was moving, though we could see nothing but the crowd.
I had sold my tickets to Hunter and Erin. So all the young folk changed clothes 30 times to decide how to be the warmest, and then went to the game wearing long johns, armed with hand warmers and having liquor miniatures stashed in various places on their persons while I snuggled down with the dog to watch on tv. WHAT A GAME!
When they returned we regrouped and went down to Toomer's armed with rolls of toilet paper to join in the festivities there. This was an experience I will remember for a long time.

Below are Liz and Cory at Tiger Walk with Lisa and Hunter in the foreground. Then Liz and Hunter in condo kitchen.
To the right is part of MTV